News Updates

I am sitting out on the porch writing to you this evening. This may not seem like much to you, but it is the first time in a long time that it has been cool enough to even sit outside. I'm in the hammock and it feels so good.

My youngest son, Christopher, and his wife Julia, are going to FaceTime with us this evening. We love it when our kids take time to chat with us. Just seeing them in real time helps us with the separation so much. Our oldest son, Brandon, and his wife, Laura, FaceTime with us on a regular basis and it is so much fun to catch up with them and their kids. Our youngest grandson, Eli, just graduated from Kindergarten. Bitter sweet. No more babies. I should have had bunches of kids to ensure that I could have bunches of grandkids. I adore the 5 that I have though. The very hardest thing about leaving the states was leaving those grand babies. I couldn't even say goodbye. We were very close. The kids even had their own bedroom and clothes at my house. Not to mention the "toy's r them" basement we had set up for them. I'm so thankful for the 16 years I had them in my arms. I'd better stop or I'll get too choked up to continue.

I just want to brag a bit on my sister, Donna, too. She emails me almost everyday. It's keeping up with the little everyday things that really helps us feel connected. If you only hear about the big things, this actually makes you feel more isolated. I don't know if that makes sense, but it's true.

I want you to know that we do read the comments you leave on our blog. (Thanks Dee)
I am wondering who it is in Poland that is reading it.
Good night to all of our friends all over the world. May God bless you tonight.


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