Close encounters of the Tropical Kind

It's not often that you see the preacher strip off his shirt right in the middle of his message, and yet, that is exactly what my husband did last Tuesday night while he was teaching, more or less.

Remember that we are in a thatch roofed building on the edge of the Rain Forest. This was a evening service so our one light bulb was on and Craig was standing near it. While he was teaching this large black flying bug landed on his shirt. This bug was about the size of a June bug. He did not see it land on him but the rest of us did. All of our eyes are fixed on this bug as it proceeds to crawl towards the middle of his stomach headed for the opening between his buttons. And sure enough----in it goes!

Well he is certainly aware of it now. "Whoa," he exclaims! Then he says, "excuse me" and quickly turns around to release said bug. He pulls his shirt out of his pants and unbuttons the bottom buttons in an attempt to release the bug. By that time we are all bent over in laughter. He manages to get the bug out and to get his clothes back in order. Being the calm man that he is, is just picks up right where he left off teaching. I would have been rubbing my stomache and saying something like, "gross, so nasty!" I'm sure I would not have been able to recover so nicely. Way to go Craig.

I'm not sure why, but Craig seems to attract the critters more than the rest of us in church. A while back he was sitting with his back to the wood wall and a scorpion crawled up the wall in right behind his neck. Again, he was not aware of it but some kids saw it and attempted to get Craig's attention. It backed away for a moment, but returned. Again, the kids attempted to get Craig's attention and this time were successful.  Realizing the imminent danger, Craig got a rock and drove it out thru an opening in the wood wall.  Once again, he is totally unrattled.

I have decided to keep calling Bobby, Bobby on our blog. Two reasons. I think the name Sweetie is silly for a male cat and the name Bobby really suits him because of his bobbed off tail.
Yesterday we heard him meowing near by. That usually means he wants to come up and be feed.
Then we spotted him under the stairs leading up to our porch. In his mouth was a large green gecko.
I think he just wanted us to see his prize. I'm really glad he didn't bring it up to us as some cats are prone to do. He was having a ball with that poor gecko. It was not dead, just stunned. He would drop it and let it run away a bit and then pounce on it again. Then he'd carry it around for a while and do it all over. I didn't stick around to the bitter end, but I'm sure it did not end well for the poor gecko. He should have stuck to selling insurance.


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