$250 Plastic Coolers!

We will be getting ready for a big church dedication in the Trio village tonight. There are 4 ministers from Texas that have come to Belize for the dedication. These men and their churches helped purchase and build the Trio church. We were able to have dinner with these ministers and the Abernathy's the other night. A couple of them are pastors and one is a retired missionary that was in Africa for 25 years. We will get pictures of them tonight at the dedication.

We were finally able to get our grass cut today. Notice I did not say "lawn". Our yard is hard packed sand and dirt with lots of grassy tufts. Craig hired a couple of Mayan men to use machetes to cut down the grass. That is hard, hot work! Almost everything that needs cutting here is done with a machete. There will be a group of men out in a field cutting the whole thing down with their machetes. Craig and I priced weed whackers and the cheapest one we found was $450.00.

They do not have summer garage sales here like they do in the US where you could pick up a weed whacker cheap. I was an avid garage sale fan back in the US. I kills me to pay full price for things here. A simple medium size plastic cooler is $250 dollars here. No, that was not a mistake. $250! Almost everything has to be imported, causing it to be very expensive. Fruit and labor are the only things that are cheap here.

Time for lunch, so goodbye for now my friends.



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