Flying red ants

We had a situation in our house last night was reminiscent of the scene where hundreds of birds attack people in the old Alfred Hitchcock film, "The Birds".

I was reading something on my IPad when I noticed several flying red ants on the wall next to the bed. I got up to take care of them and was startled to see hundreds more on the floor and more pouring in under the porch door. Apparently it is mating/nesting season for these critters and the light from the IPad was drawing them in. It took Craig and I one and a half hours to kill them all. SO GROSS. Craig tried to get a picture of them but it didn't come our too clear.

He also took a picture of the Ant and Roach killer we used on them.

A huge roach crawled out half dead as we were spraying the ants. I'm surprised I didn't have nightmares. Makes you just want to jump on a plane and come straight to Belize doesn't it? Lol.

I'm sitting out on the porch in the hammock for the first time today. It was just too hot to go outside. We ran the air conditioner all day but it was still 90 in the house. I'm trying not to dwell on Michigan's sweet, gentle Spring.

There is a beautiful sunset tonight and a kayak just drifted by on the lagoon in front of our place.
We really do have a beautiful view. I'd love to go for a swim in that refreshing looking water, but we were told there is a resident crocodile, so I will stay up on the porch and watch the sunset. I wonder if the kayaker knew about the croc?

We see we have a new friend reading our blog from Poland. Welcome friend. We hope you enjoy reading our Belize Adventure.



  1. Thanks for sharing all the information of how things are going there. Miss you of course but see how much of a blessing you are there, truly is a wonderful work you are both doing for His kingdom. Love the stories bugs and all, and the pictures sure give us a glimpse into your world. can you email me your address would love to send some you might need or want for your children's class or for you. I won't talk about the weather, I'll just say we've been blessed. Built a new raise bed garden out of pallets this year so anxious to see how it fairs. It might be heavier that the wood can bear, hope it makes it. Thinking of doing another next year if it works out, might have to reinforce it more though. It's a no bend over height, which is the only way to go as I get older, turned 59 this year, they are going by so fast. Had Wednesday night children's class and had all your boy's in it. A lot of people out of town for camp so all ages came together and we watched some veggie tales for a change of pace. They enjoyed them along with some popcorn and juice. They all were able to give the correct answers on the pop quiz afterwards:)it was fun. Well got to get off to bed the morning comes quick when you get up at 4:45. God bless you both each day and keeping you're in my prayers.


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