No pictures—bummer

Oh my goodness, I am so overdue on this blog! The main reason is that for some unknown reason we can no longer post pictures with the blog. So I will write a blog without pictures and hope that something is better than nothing.

A couple of weeks ago we had a good friend from the states, Ginger, come and visit us here in Belize.
Her first introduction to Belize began on a sour note because Customs confiscated her beef jerky. You would have thought they confiscated her first born child, she was so angry. Lol. She did loose 5 lbs while she was here, so maybe she really did need that jerky after all.

Ginger jumped right into the work here teaching and working right along side us. You can see pictures of her in Belize if you go on my Facebook page.

We had a very interesting spiritual encounter while she was here. Warning! This is not for the faint of heart. Consider yourself forewarned.

On Ginger’s second to the last day here we decided to go the zoo. Our missionary friends from Guatemala where here in Belize for a little rest, and they decided to go to the zoo with us.
Up until the last half hour our zoo visit was pretty normal. Then things changed.

Ginger felt in her spirit to have the missionary share his testimony about how the Lord saved him.
We found a secluded corner and Ginger began to record the missionary sharing his testimony.
As he was sharing the power of God came over him and he began to preach under a powerful anointing. Even some of the zoo staff came over to see what was going on.

After filming, we knew we had something special, and that God was going to use it to reach many hurting and unsaved people. If you would like to hear the rest of this story, please go to my next blog. The title will be, Ginger’s Dream.


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