A new platform

One of our churches in the village of Santa Rosa are putting the touches on their new church.

The men of the church extended the platform. As you can see, it is now in the shape of a semi circle rather than just straight across as it originally was. This new design looks very attractive. Good job men!

They have also added new outhouse toilets at the back of the property. I wish I had a picture of the inside. These outhouse toilets actually have Real toilet seats! This makes us girls happy I can tell you!

I have also included some pictures of a recent church service at Santa Rosa.

The young women standing in the forground has a baby in the white sling that is slung over her back. Some churches have nails on the back of the seats to “hang” the baby up. We were at one church that had a hook from the ceiling to hang the slings from. The babies are very content in their slings. When it’s time to go home, mom just hooks the sling knot over her head with the baby hanging down her back, and off they go. Cheaper than a fancy stroller, but hard to carry Slurppies in.

The musicians pictured here are the church band. A band usually consists of a key board, an electronic percussion instrument and several electric guitars 🎸. They often let the little ones participate by playing some kind of percussion instrument. I’ve seen the little ones keeping time on a large tortoise shell. The band members usually dress alike, so it’s cute to see a 5 or 6 years old dressed in his blue shirt and black pants keeping time on his tortoise shell.
The man to the far right clapping his hands is the pastor of this church.

Craig teaches the young people and I teach the little kids that attend this church. Actually, several children that do not attend the church attend the classes that we teach which make us very happy.
Craig has about 12 students and I have about 20. We teach this class in the same room at the same time, so it can really be a challenge sometimes.

That’s it for the update on the San Roman church. Hope you enjoyed it.


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