Good News and Bad News

Good and bad news today. Craig finally finished framing the window in so that we can use our new air conditioner today. This is just in time as the temperature and humidity have risen again.
The not so good news.  Craig took Dwayne to Big Creek today to have a pastoral training session and to get Dwayne's truck fixed.  Craig drove our car so that the truck could be left in the shop. Unfortunately the car broke down Again! It seems to be the same problem we just paid $1,500 BZ ($750 USD) to have fixed.  They had to call the pastors waiting for them to come and tow them to a repair shop. The shop will not even have a chance to look at the car for another week. Bummer.

I have a suspicion someone else is feeding our wild cat, Bobby. He used to eat anything set before him. Now he is super picky. He didn't even eat the ground beef I set out in his bowl.
He naps all day under the bed, so I think he still loves us.  Wait, maybe he is just using us now to have a cool place to sleep. These relationships are so complicated.

My dear father in law turned 90 today. He has stage 4 bone cancer and a bad heart also. Craig was able to call him today but he couldn't hear Craig's voice on the phone. At least he knew Craig called.
My mother in law, Joan, has been a real trooper taking care of James, my father in law.
This can not be easy on her as James's memory is so bad she has to remind him over and over all day about the simplest things. God bless you Mom. You are setting a great example of what "for better or worse, in sickness and in health" really means. I love and admire you so much.
Joan's birthday is tomorrow (I think) and I hope we will be able to call her and wish her a happy one.

I cooked my first plantains today. As you probably know they look like and taste similar to bananas.
By the way, the first of many spelling bees I bombed out of was over the word "banana"
Anyway, the plantains turned out pretty good. I think I need to cut them thinner. They are pretty firm even when very ripe. They serve these here often as a side dish and they are yummy.

I hope it warms up soon in Michigan. More than that, I wish I could send you some of our heat. It's not even the hot season yet! Thank you Lord for the air conditioner!


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