Liz Visits the U.S.

We want to welcome two new countries to those that are following our blog. For their safety, we will not mention their names, but please know we are thrilled to have you following us and we pray that our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the one, true, living God, blesses and keeps you.
If you have been following our blog, you know that we have recently returned from a visit to the states. Liz was able to come along also, as the Airlines was offering special rates for female lizards 🦎. Below is Liz eating her first meal in a Chinese restaurant by our home church. Eli, our youngest grandson is sharing his “chicken on a stick” with her. Liz loved it!

While we were staying at our son, Brandon’s, house, the boys decided to show Liz how to play video games. Much to Liz’s delight, Eli, had bought a new friend for her to hang around with while in the States. Liz said she really liked having someone her own size for once.

Unless you are considerate and hold her up to your face while speaking to her, she gets an aweful crick in her neck from constantly trying to look at at you
The next picture is my great niece, Fayla, watching tv with Liz.

My sister, Donna, gave Liz some reading glasses 👓  she found on sale at Walmart. We were really surprised we were able to find a pair in Liz’s size because Liz wanted scratch guard on them,and they only make so many of them in that size. Liz also bought a bottle of “sweet relish”, which she liked, and a can of Grape soda, which she wasn’t too crazy about. She prefers coconut 🌴 water. We left the USA just before the cold weather set in. I’m pretty sure Liz wouldn’t have cared much for it.

We will be going to a church in the village of Trio this evening which we are really looking forward  We’ll take some pictures and let you know is service went. We are expecting a great move of God and that many will receive the Acts 2:38 message of salvation.
Take care dear friends,


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