Back in Belize

As you can see from the title of this blog, we have returned to Belize after a 3-1/2 weeks stay in the USA.  We had a wonderful visit with our friends and family. Most of that time we stayed with my sister, Donna,aka, Martha Stewart, and my brother in law, Marvin. She spoiled us! My room had a wide screen tv and Air Conditioning! Donna always had something yummy and fatting made up for us. I will not report my weight gain while staying at their house. The stinky part about that was,while I was gaining, she was losing weight. She even made my husband gluten free, fatting goodies. I think she is in cahoots with Weight Watchers.  But then I also think dentists created Halloween.

When not staying at Donna's house, we stayed with my son, Brandon, and his family. This includes Brandon's four children, my daughter in law, Laura, and Clair Ann, their cat. I think Clair loves us even more than our grandkids because EVERY night we spent there, she spent most of it trying to get into our bedroom. We would start to hear the door jiggle  and then from underneath the door a paw would appear trying desperately to open the door. This of course was accompanied by lots of meowing... for a LONG time. Gramie and Poppa still love you Clair.  We really did enjoy our stay at their house though. They tried and succeeded to get us everything we wanted to eat that we said we missed while in Belize. We played games and went for lots of walks with our grandkids. That is, when I didn't have them pinned down on the couch kissing and hugging them. I also spent an entire day shopping and going out to eat with my Favorite granddaughter, Alexandra. (I have notice the pattern of "lots of eating" here.) Alexandra is such a beautiful young women now. She is the one that drove us around and paid for our lunch.

Sadly, we were not able to visit our son, Christopher and his family while we were in the states. Hurricane Irma damaged their home and they were without power until after we returned to Belize. We were very disappointed, but so very, very thankful that they were safe.
Another thing we were thankful for, was that Craig was able to spend some quality time with his parents, James and Joan. James has stage 4 bone cancer so this was one of the main reasons we chose to come home at this time. We were also able to be with Craig's sisters and his brother in law, Brian.
These wonderful people carry the bulk of the burden for their parents care and we thank and honor them for this. Any parent would be very blessed to have daughters that are as wonderful as these two girls. Thanks you Susan and Anna!
I got to spend some time with my Dad and his wife Kathy also. I love them both so much and I wish we could have had more time together.
My siblings, Ben and Anne go to my home church in the USA, so I was able to see them several times there. If you would like to view a powerful Apostolic/Pentecostal service, you can tune into the services at Faith Apostolic Church of Troy in Troy, Michigan on Sunday mornings at 10:15 am and Wednesday at 7:30 pm.  Ben and his wife, Beth, has us over for a fantastic dinner and as a bonus, we got to love on his two sweet little girls, Abby and Ellie.
One of the highlights of my trip was going to Amish country with my two very dear friends, Patty and Lori. Just a little plug here. If you are looking for amazing Christian books for you or your daughters to read, Lori Wagner has several that she has written. Her latest book,
Preach Like a Lady, is a must read for any women feeling the call of God on her life.

Last but not least, I was able to spend some time with my mother and my sister in law, Sherry.
My precious brother, Kenneth, passed away just before we came to Belize. I have told Sherry this often and I mean it with my whole heart, Sherry was the very best thing that ever happened to Ken.

While in the states, we put out the word that we needed Sunday school supplies, Bibles and a camera to use for the missions work here in Belize. Our friends and family blessed us with so much of the above, that we had to buy two large suitecases just to get it all back. Also, several people gave us cash offerings to be used for the missions work. We can not thank all of you enough. Oh yes, one last special thanks to Brother Daniel Heythaler. Craig needed some canvas "doors" to use as illustrations in one of his lessons. Daniel used his artistic talents and painted five awesome doors for us. Thanks Daniel!

I'm sure you are all itching to know how Miss Liz Ard did on our trip. I will not leave you hanging.
My next blog will tell you all about it.   Also, Craig and I attended a Leadership trading seminar last night. There were about 40 people in attendance. I will also write about this soon.

God bless you dear friends,


  1. It was so wonderful having you two home for a short season! We were blessed(and burdened) by your missions report and powerful lesson on "Doors". Beth, the girls, and I, so enjoyed our visit with you. Thank you for making time for us with so much already on your plate to accomplish while here in the US. We love you guys! Can't wait for the next report of what God is doing in Belize! Praying/Believing for open doors and open spirits!


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