New Puppies ๐Ÿถ

While we were home visiting in the states our next door neighbor, Brian, acquired a new puppy. He named him  Rover. You can tell by the puppies name that Brian is a “pet owner”not a “pet parent”. This is pretty much what Rover looks like. ๐Ÿ•. I think Rover should have been named “Generic”, because he looks like 90% of the dog population in Belize.

Our gardener also got himself a puppy ๐Ÿถ. I don’t know what his name is, but he is stinking cute, the puppy that is. The puppy looks like he is a mix of Doberman and Rotwiller (pretty sure I spelled that wrong). This little  guy only weighs about 3 pounds and is very sweet.

We were supposed to go to the Toledo District today and Sunday to do some teaching, but our car ๐Ÿš— is not running right AGAIN. We really would like to sell this car and get another vehicle, but we have have more money invested in it than we could sell it for. We are praying that God shows us what to do about this.
That’s all for now dear friends.


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