We may regain custody of our car!

Hello friends. I'm sure you are wondering where we have been. Unfortunately, our internet has not been working and we do not know why. We were able to get a MiFi hotspot device today to restore our internet connection. We do have some catching up to do, so I will get right to it.

This past Saturday, Linda and I went to the San Felipe village to do a teaching session with the ladies there. Several churches send their ladies to this church once a month for our teaching sessions. We have begun a Bible study with them called "Search for Truth". This Bible study takes the student from the book of Genesis all the way through to the book of Revelation. My Bible chart is very old and quit small. Since we have about 15 ladies in the class, I made a copy of my chart and gave one to each lady. We have encouraged these ladies to take this Bible study back to their churches, villages and families and teach it to them as they learn from us. There is another group in the Stann Creek district that we teach the Saturday after we teach the group from San Felipe. We plan to start the "Search for Truth" Bible study there also.

After Satuday's class we went to a Spanish speaking church in Belize City and did a session with the adults on how to set up and teach Sunday School. Craig took the first session and I did the second part. There were a few children there with their parents and I used those children to help me in teaching the adults. The kids loved helping me illustrate the Sunday School lessons. Below are some
pictures of our teaching session.

At the end of the service the church gave Craig and I a beautiful carved shark on a rock. You can see it in the pictures below. The pastor has invited us to come back and do a children's revival in a few weeks. If you could add this children's revival to your prayer list, we would really appreciate it. This is such a huge responsibility and we take it very seriously.

The missionaries, Dwayne and Linda, have gone to Guatemala for a pastor's conference. We are so glad that they have this opportunity to go and receive instead of giving for a change. Even preachers need to hear preaching from time to time. I'm sure the fellowship they will have while they are there
will be refreshing also. Dwayne and Linda were missionaries in Guatemala for a couple of years before they came to Belize, so they have many friends there.

Today, Craig and I drove a couple of hours to Stann Creek to pick up a new radiator for our car. The shop told us the car engine was finally repaired, but that when they started the car the radiator began to leak. To expedite the repair, we went and picked up the new radiator ourselves and took it to the repair shop. If all goes well, our car should be ready to pick up tomorrow. Since we purchased the car four months ago, we have only driven it one week out of the four months we have been here. The rest of the time it has been in the repair shop. Back in the states we would have been frustrated if our car had been in a repair shop for three or four weeks. Dwayne and Linda have been so good about sharing their truck with us. Their attitude has been, "it's a Sheaves for Christ truck and not ours anyway". I don't know what we would have done without them. It certainly would have been much too expensive for us to rent another car while ours was being fixed. We thank the Lord for such unselfish friends.

We had some excitement last night. I was just coming out of the bathroom into the dark living room, when I saw a huge bug on the counter top. All I could see in the dark were large legs and at first I thought it was a giant spider. I've already had an encounter with an eight inch spider here and I did not want another one. When I turned on the light I saw that it was a giant cockroach. I mean the thing was the size of a mouse! So gross! I sprayed it with roach killer and Craig started smashing it with a heavy glass candle holder. That's when I started gagging and Craig had to finish the job alone. Tomorrow we are going to spray the whole house with professional grade insecticide brought from
California and then put out fresh roach bait. I was sick the rest of the night from that nasty encounter.
I hate mice, but I would have preferred a mouse to that roach. I would have never believed a cockroach could have gotten that big. (Sweet dreams)

Well, I hope this catches us up a bit. Again, I am sorry it has been so long since we have written anything on our blog. We will try to do better in the future.

God bless you all,


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