Russia and Random Notes

Hello friends.....

We want to say hello to our latest blog reader from Russia. We hope you enjoy our blog and continue to read it. We would love to hear from you sometime. God bless you.

We just finished a couple of services with another pastor and his wife, Kevin and Dawn Shindoll.
Their church helped with the building and funding of the church in Trio. The Shindoll's were here to celebrate their 25th anniversary and to visit the church they helped build. It was a pleasure to meet these sweet people. We fell in love with them right away. Pastor Shindoll delivered a great message to the church Sunday night. One person received the Holy Ghost and several were healed and blessed. After the service, the pastor's wife, Dawn, made balloon animals for the kids which they were CRAZY about! What a blessing these people are to the work of God in Belize.

We are in the big, fat middle of the rainy season now. Almost every day we have a very hard rain
with thunder and lighting. Because our roof is metal, we have to yell at each other to be heard over the rain.

Monday, July 10th we went into the village of Placencia to do some grocery shopping. We ran into the Pastor and his wife from the San Felipe village as well as the Pastor and his wife from Texas. We decided to all have lunch together at a local pizza place.  One thin crust pizza with cheese and pepperoni cost $38.00. How we miss the $5.00 Little Caesers Hot and Ready pizza. Pictured below is one of the nearby 'retail' establishments in Placencia Village.

We have cable for our TV here and we get Detroit channels. It is torture see the commercials for K of C, Taco Bell, Olive Garden, etc. Sometimes I long to stop for a Whopper Jr after church. But alas, everything closes up here after 8:00 pm except for the bars. Both Craig and I have lost some weight, so not having these restaurants does have it's upside.

I don't want to shock anyone, but I have not gotten a tan since I have been here. It's to stinking hot to sit out in the sun. You KNOW it's hot if I am not sitting out in the sun and reading. That was my favorite thing to do in Summer back home.

Take Care,


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