Memorial Weekend News
I hope those of you from the US had a nice Memorial weekend. As you can see from Craig's blog we had a very busy one. Teaching at the Mayan conference was quite an experience. I taught the women from Titus chapter 2. These precious people sat on wooden benches with no backs for 4 hours at a time for 2 days. Before the conference started on Saturday, they cooked 4 pigs. They served a free dinner to all who came to the conference. They must have served at least 350 people. This is a real sacrifice for these people to do this in this third world country. May God richly their sacrifice. The service was held outside under the pavilion as the church was too small. It was so hot and everyone was soaked. This did not stop the people from fervently worshiping the Lord however. There were two brothers from Guatemala that did an amazing job preaching the conference. One preached in Spanish while the other translated in Cache. The main speaker, Noe Barrientos, is originally from Guate...