
Showing posts from October, 2017

So cool!

I woke up this morning and it was so cool I almost had to put a sweater on. It felt wonderful! It’s been   rainy, windy and sometimes very stormy the last several days and this has brought down the temperature and humidity quite bit. I Never thought I’d get excited about cool, cloudy weather. After several months of several 90 degree days and 90% humidity, this is so refreshing! This is my husband, Craig, building us a clothes hanging rack for our new home. We have been living in what we affectionately call “the tree house”, for about 7 months now. The owners are coming back here to escape the cold Canadian winters, so we had to find a new place to live.  Here is a picture of our new place. It’s a beautiful, new, stilt house. When you walk in the front door, to your left is the living room area and to the right is the kitchen area. Behind the living room is the bedroom and bathroom. The upstairs is a cozy 600 sq ft.  Underneath the house there is a small laund...

New Puppies 🐶

While we were home visiting in the states our next door neighbor, Brian, acquired a new puppy. He named him  Rover. You can tell by the puppies name that Brian is a “pet owner”not a “pet parent”. This is pretty much what Rover looks like. 🐕. I think Rover should have been named “Generic”, because he looks like 90% of the dog population in Belize. Our gardener also got himself a puppy 🐶. I don’t know what his name is, but he is stinking cute, the puppy that is. The puppy looks like he is a mix of Doberman and Rotwiller (pretty sure I spelled that wrong). This little  guy only weighs about 3 pounds and is very sweet. We were supposed to go to the Toledo District today and Sunday to do some teaching, but our car 🚗 is not running right AGAIN. We really would like to sell this car and get another vehicle, but we have have more money invested in it than we could sell it for. We are praying that God shows us what to do about this. That’s all for now dear friends. Caroly...

Our Grandson’s Birthday

Yesterday was our grandson, Riley’s, birthday. He’s 8 years old now. One of the things that makes it hard to be on the missions field,  is missing milestones such as birthdays 🎂 and other special events. Compared to what many Christians are facing all over the world, this is nothing, I know. I honor those of you who are “enduring hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ”, because, “No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a good soldier”. 2 Tim 2:3-4. You were CHOSEN to be a solider for Christ. What a great honor! You did not choose Him, he chose you. John 15:16 says, “ You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you”... When we started this blog we had no idea that so many people from so many other countries would be reading it. This has caused me to have a great sense of responsibility in what we write in this blog. I know many of you are Acts 2:38 born again believers, and I’m guessing some of you ...

Liz Visits the U.S.

We want to welcome two new countries to those that are following our blog. For their safety, we will not mention their names, but please know we are thrilled to have you following us and we pray that our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the one, true, living God, blesses and keeps you. If you have been following our blog, you know that we have recently returned from a visit to the states. Liz was able to come along also, as the Airlines was offering special rates for female lizards 🦎. Below is Liz eating her first meal in a Chinese restaurant by our home church. Eli, our youngest grandson is sharing his “chicken on a stick” with her. Liz loved it! While we were staying at our son, Brandon’s, house, the boys decided to show Liz how to play video games. Much to Liz’s delight, Eli, had bought a new friend for her to hang around with while in the States. Liz said she really liked having someone her own size for once. Unless you are considerate and hold her up to your face w...

Armenia Village Roof Thatching

We were in the village of Armenia recently teaching a Sunday school class.  Meanwhile the men were  busy thatching a roof on the structure next to the church.  It is quite the event to see so many working together to accomplish this task.

Armenia Village Children

We were delighted to be with the children in the village of Armenia.  It is such a special time to be with this children and young people.

Armenia Village Sunday School

We were invited to teach a Sunday school class in the village of Armenia recently.  There were about 28 children present. Some of the children were from the church families and many were just from the village.  We taught of being baptized in Jesus name.  We had the children each make their own friend from a clothes pin, colored pipe cleaner and marker.  Each child had the opportunity to baptized their ‘friend’ in Jesus name. All the children were respectful and happy to participate.

5 New Countries!

I just wanted to say a quick and heartfelt "Welcome" to the new readers of our blog. We are thrilled that we have some new friends from the following countries. . . Brazil Mongolia Ecuador Thailand Spain We pray that you enjoy reading this blog as much as we enjoy writing it. If you would care to leave a comment or would like to ask us a question, we would love to hear from you. God bless you dear friends, Carolyn

Back in Belize

As you can see from the title of this blog, we have returned to Belize after a 3-1/2 weeks stay in the USA.  We had a wonderful visit with our friends and family. Most of that time we stayed with my sister, Donna,aka, Martha Stewart, and my brother in law, Marvin. She spoiled us! My room had a wide screen tv and Air Conditioning! Donna always had something yummy and fatting made up for us. I will not report my weight gain while staying at their house. The stinky part about that was,while I was gaining, she was losing weight. She even made my husband gluten free, fatting goodies. I think she is in cahoots with Weight Watchers.  But then I also think dentists created Halloween. When not staying at Donna's house, we stayed with my son, Brandon, and his family. This includes Brandon's four children, my daughter in law, Laura, and Clair Ann, their cat. I think Clair loves us even more than our grandkids because EVERY night we spent there, she spent most of it trying to get into o...