Banana 🍌 Farm Tour.

We wanted to do some fun things with the evangelistic team from Texas while they were here with us in Belize. One of the things we chose to do was to visit a local banana farm. The tour was very educational. We were amazed at the technology and amount of work it took to get bananas from a small starter plant to the point where they are ready to be packed and shipped. The commercial bananas grown here in Belize are shipped to the UK and Ireland. It takes 22 days for the bananas to reach these countries. During the time the bananas are being shipped, they are kept in refrigeration at 58 degrees Fahrenheit. Now that we have seen what it takes to get a banana from the farm to the store, 59 cents a pound, suddenly seems cheap.

The last picture you see here is some warm, fresh out of the oven, banana chips the farm staff served us. They were absolutely delicious!


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