Youth Extravaganza San Felipe

We were delighted to have the evangelistic team from Morgan Texas. The group consisted of their pastor, Dewayne Sims, his wife and children, their assistant pastor, Theo Heartsill, his wife and daughter, and the Clint Murphy family.
They ministered in a mighty way through preaching, teaching, music and praying with and for those that attended the Youth Extravaganza.

In the second picture, the assistant pastor, Theo Heartsill, his wife, Trudy, and the missionary to Belize, Dewayne Abernathy, are praying with some of the young people.

In the third picture, Pastor Sims daughter, Delayna, is praying with some of the younger girls.

This fourth picture is Pastor Sims preaching the main message.

The fifth picture is assistant pastor, Theo Heartsill teaching a great lesson on evangelism.


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