Trend setting

When I lived in the states my clothing style was very average, nothing special. But here among the Mayan Indians I am one spiffy dresser, a trend setter even. We are in the Rainy Season here, and almost very night we have huge rain storms with lots of thunder and lighting. (Have I mentioned we live in a metal roof house?) Because it rains almost every night, the dirt roads here don't get a chance to dry out. Below is a picture of the "road" to our church. It is just a dirt path big enough for a vehicle.

This Sunday was no different  and brings me to my original point of being a fashion trend setter here. Because the "road" was nothing but deep sticky mud we felt there was a chance the truck we were driving may get stuck on our way into the church and that we may have to get out and walk part of the way into the church. Plus, the ground all around the church was also soaked and muddy. Usually I wear sandals to church, but I knew this would never do if we had so sludge through the mud on foot, so out came my Muck Boots.  Fortunately, the truck made it through the mud but the yard around the church is just dirt and sand and it was drenched. So out I hopped from the truck in my skirt and Muck Boots. Now this would have gotten a reaction at my church in Michigan, but no one blinked an eye here. Maybe I was wrong about being a trend setter here after all.

Craig and I are preparing for a busy weekend. Saturday I meet with a group of ladies from various churches to teach them how to set up their own Ladies groups. These sweet ladies comes from miles around, often walking miles to a bus stop just to ride several more miles to our meeting. Then they sit for two hours on a hard backless bench in a hot airless church. What dedication.
Then Sunday August 20th, we have a Children's Revival in Belize City. We will have pictures for you later.

Craig and I are preparing to go home a few weeks the end of August. Craig's. father has stage 4 bone cancer and is not doing well. We wanted to spend some time with him before he passes and felt this would be a good time to go. We return to Belize about the 3rd week in September.
My sister has offered for us to stay in her home, which we appreciate so very much. She has a beautiful, comfortable home and both she and her husband are great cooks. I am really looking forward to it. I can't wait to meet my newest great niece, Beatrice. Then of course there are my grandkids. I can not wait to get my hands on them! I am going to make them sit on the couch with me for the first week and just hug and kiss them non stop.

It looks like another storm is rolling in and I have our pillows airing out on the porch, so I'd better say goodbye for now.  Welcome to our newest blog viewer from Colombia.

God bless,


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