Sweaty Eye Balls

It's getting hotter and hotter. It was pretty miserable today. The thermometer read 90 degrees in the house. It's the humidity that makes this heat so uncomfortable. The really hot season is fast approaching and we are looking forward to getting our air conditioner in a week or so. Not a moment too soon in my book.

Craig and Dwayne were supposed to go the San Jose village tomorrow, but the pastor they were supposed to meet had to reschedule. It would have been a 2 hour trip one way, with 45 minutes of that on  brutal back roads.  So Craig got to stay home and broil with me.

This coming weekend is going to very busy. On Friday Craig, Dwayne and Linda are going to a place called Spanish Lookout. It's where most of the Amish/Mennonite community live. They are just like you see in the states with the buggies and traditional Amish clothing. Though there is nothing touristy about it. It's a good place to get supplies that you can not get easily near us. I'm not going because this is a 2 hour trip one way and I would have to sit in the back seat of the truck which is very hard on my back.  Then Saturday were are going to San Felipe. This is the largest church we have in Belize. Linda and I are teaching the women and Craig and Dwayne are teaching the men. This too is a 2 hour trip one way.

Then of course on Sunday we all teach at the church in Cowpen. I don't remember if I told you, but we have several new kids in our Sunday School. There were about 9 new kids last Sunday. These new children said they were bringing more family members with them this Sunday......Exciting.

Craig went into town today and bought us our own machete. I may buy myself one and paint the handle pink so that we can have his and hers machetes.

It's 6:12 pm and the sun is setting. It will be dark by 6:30. It is finally cooling off and I am thankful.
My eyeballs sweat here. I'm not kidding.


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