A Feminine Viewpoint

I thought some of you might like to hear the feminine viewpoint of our journey.

First of all I want to tell you about our bobcat. We are not sure if he really is half bobcat or just a wild cat with his tail bobbed off and really big feet. Our landlords began feeding him about 2 mnts ago when he was still with his mother. They would put food out for him outside and then they would have to go upstairs for him to be comfortable enough to eat. They kept working with him and asked us to keep feeding him when they went home to Canada. Bit by bit he got so comfortable with us that he will now take food from my hand and Loves to be petted. Sometimes he does a summersault when I pet him because he loves it so much. He even let me put a few collar on him and has not tried to take it off. That surprised me.  He is appropriately named "Bobby".

This is my kitchen sink. The sink itself is a tiny bar size sink. I fill up a small pan with soapy water and wash the dishes in that and then rinse them in the sink.  I will show you my "toy" clothes washer next time.

Myself and Linda Aberthany, the missionaries wife here, are the Sunday School teachers at the church in the Cowpen district. We had 9 new kids today. Between the regular kids and these new kids we would run around 15 children now. It is a challenge because the class varies in age from 5 to 13. We have class under a tent just outside the main church. We set up a chalkboard and chairs for the kids. We really have to be creative in our teaching since we have very few supplies. We are working with one bottle of glue, 2 pair of sizzors (one of them the tiny pair I got from Ladies Retreat years ago), clothes pins, paper plates, toilet paper rolls, a bag of markers I brought from the states, rubber bands and toilet paper rolls. It is surprising what you can do when you really have to use your imagination. We made a donkey for Jesus to ride on from an old mop handle and an old dress. We drew a donkey on the material from the dress. Then Linda cut it out, stuffed it, and taped it to the mop handle. The kids Loved it. They all wanted to "ride" it.
I will be forever thankful to Janice Reed for all my Sunday School Teachers Training. It has been invaluable here. Not only am I using my teaching skills in the Sunday School here, but Linda and I are training leaders in several of the churches on how to set up and run a Sunday School.

I almost got bit by a huge brown spider Saturday. Linda and I started to move a chalk board for our lesson when she smacked away my hand. She couldn't even speak.  The spider must have been 4 inches long and 2 inches across. I felt queasy for a while after that. Years ago, Linda ended up in the hospital because she got got bit from a Brown Recluse spider. She was really freaked out.

Well, that's it for now. Feel free to ask me questions if you like.



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