Not if your fixen to take up a load today
Every Sunday after service as we drive out of the village we wave goodbye to a family that lives in a wooden shack and a few chickens. The shower is an outdoor "building" made up of old boards, old advertising signs and bits of plastic. Sometimes you see the little ones dart across the yard in their birthday suits. So cute----so sad. Well guess who was in Sunday School today!? Four little kids and their mom came walking up the path to the church after we had already started church. We welcomed the kids into class and told the mom to go into the building for the adult class. These were all nicely dressed people, by Myan standards. Clean and neatly groomed. It wasn't until we were driving out of the village that we looked over to wave at the family we always wave goodbye to that we realized our new quests were our "naked children" village family. The mom and children all responded to the altar call. The mother told us that she would be attending regularly...