Murphy’s Law

I do not really believe in “Murphy’s Law”, but if I did, I should have never said. “Things are slowing down a bit.” Lol.
My husband and I just returned from a Ministers Conference called, “Because of the Times,” in Louisiana and it was so amazing! There were 3,500 in attendance. If you would like to hear some of the preaching and or worship during those services, go to “POA, BOTT, 2018.
We are in need of people to assist us in God’s work here in Belize. I had been praying about this before we attended BOTT (Because of the Times), and of course the Lord answered that prayer.
To my amazement, God brought 5 people right to the chair I was sitting in that He has been speaking to about becoming involved with the work in Belize. We have never meet these people before. Except for God, what are the chances that out of 3,500 people we would connect with those 5 people?

The work here in Belize is exploding! When we arrived there were 39 established UPCI churches and one Bible school in the Belize City. That’s a enough to keep you busy right there. But God is adding to the church daily such as should be saved. Last week, our overseeing missionary, Dwayne Abernathy, was asked to go to a village where he had heard there were 4 families wanting to establish  an Apostolic/Pentecostal church in their village. When he arrived, there were 70 people sitting outside waiting for him to come and preach to them. We are so very thankful God has connected us with these people. Also, Dwayne has felt to start a second Bible school nearer the south end of Belize. He was able to purchase a piece of land for the school and is now seeking help with the funds to build the Bible School. The new school isn’t even built yet, and so far we have 90+ people signed up at attend. Because there is no central Bible school as yet, Dwayne and Craig have to go from village to village and teach the students in small groups. Please pray that this Bible school gets funded and built as soon as possible.

If there are any of you that would like to come and see the work being done here in Belize and possibly sneak in a little vacation, please let us know. We would love to help make that happen for you.
You would get the best of  both worlds. We will take you to the rural village churches, many near the rain forest, but you can stay in the beautiful seaside resort area when you want some rest and relaxation.

Below are a couple of pictures we took while at BOTT. Enjoy.

God bless you dear friends,
Carolyn McKenzie


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