Breakfast in Belize

For now, things have slowed down a bit for us. Yesterday, Craig drove about an hour and a half to teach a Bible school training course. While he was gone, I took the opportunity to do some serious cleaning in our new place. I did a lot of yard cleaning and indoor house cleaning. I’m not sure why, but cleaning the house is easier when your spouse isn’t around. That is, until you need something heavy moved. :>).  Craig did some more Bible school training in the village of Mango Creek.  Mango Creek is about an hour south of where we live. Once these nationals are trained, they will be able to teach these Bible school lessons also. This will really help to stabilize and grow the work here in Belize.

Tonight the Abernathys went to the village of Bladen, which is also about an hour south of our place. The church there is installing a new Ladies Leader in their church. We were not able to go unfortunately. By the time Craig got back from his teaching session, we would not have had  time to make it to Bladen for the installation.

Before Craig left this morning, we were able to go out for breakfast 🍳 and also take a little walk in the village of Placencia. Placencia is a nice little tourist village about 10 minutes south of us.
It was a beautiful, cool morning. I have a whole new appreciation of cool weather now that I have lived through the hottest time of the year here in Belize.  95 degrees F and 95 % humidity is just not fun! That’s pretty much is what most of August and September is here. Also, there is little or no breeze during those months which makes it even more uncomfortable.
Below are some pictures of the restaurant we ate at, and some of the surrounding sights. If you look closely you will see a large cruise ship 🚢 docked not too far from the restaurant. We had first stopped at a different restaurant that we wanted to try out, but is was packed with people from the cruise ship. Lucky for us, they did not stop at the restaurant we stopped at or we might still be there waiting for our breakfast.

After breakfast, we did some grocery shopping and then headed on home so that Craig could get on the road to Bladen.

It’s going to get busy again for us pretty soon. Beginning in February, there will be many groups and people from the states arriving to help us with building projects and crusades. It’s always wonderful to meet and work with the people coming to Belize to help the work here. Hey, why don’t You come and be a part of this exciting work?

Thanks again for taking the time to read our blog.
May God bless you,
Carolyn McKenzie


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