Home and Hurricane Irma

First off, I want to apologize, once again, because it has been so long since our last blog post. So much has happened since we last posted.

We have returned to the States for a brief visit home. Craig's Dad has stage 4 bone cancer and is in the early stages of dementia. Because of this, we felt it was a good time to come home so that Craig could visit with his father while he was still able. Craig's mother needed him to stay with his father a couple of times while I took her to some important doctors visits. We were glad to be able to help them out in this small way and it gave both Craig and his father some quality time together. They ate together, played cards, chatted and watched football. A typical father/son day. We dearly love these precious people and we are so glad to have this time with them.

Of course, while we are home, we are trying to visit with as many close friends and family as time allows. My sister, Donna, has graciously opened up her beautiful home to us while we are here.
Donna had a landmark birthday during our stay, so this was a big bonus. Her daughters, Rebekah, Nadia and her daughters in law threw her a nice birthday party. The girls did all the cooking and clean up. The food was great and needless to say it was so good to be with this part of my family. I got to see my nephew's new baby girl, Beatrice. She is a sweet, blonde, butterball baby.

I was also able to visit with my mother and my sister in law, Sherry. She is preparing for a trip to Germany to visit her niece. I'm glad I was able to catch her before she left the country. Sherry is very special to me and I would have been so disappointed if I was not able to see her while I was home.
I was also able to visit with my dad and my stepmom. Kathy, my stepmom, always makes any visit extra special. She will go out of her way to cook a fabulous meal tailored especially for you.  I was also able to see two of my other siblings, Ben and Anne and their families.

We were also thrilled to be able to attend several church services with our church family at Faith Apostolic Church of Troy. These people are as close to us as our blood relatives. Many of them have donated supplies and money to help us with the work in Belize. Thank you FACT family!

Lastly, we were able to be with my son, Brandon, his wife Laura, and our grandkids, Alexandra, Wesley, Riley and Eli. I could not give then enough hugs and kisses!! They let us stay at their home a couple of times and even loaned us their car for several days. I'm afraid leaving them a second time may be harder than the first time.

We are hoping to see our son, Chris and family on our way back to Belize. They live in Florida and like everyone else in that state,they have been effected by hurricane Irma. I truly hope this does not prevent us from seeing them before we have to return to Belize. I am so thankful they made it through this terrible storm unharmed. You can be sure this momma did LOTS of praying for them!

Liz wanted me to tell you that she is also enjoying her visit to the States. As you can see, she did a bit of shopping while she was here. She was not as thrilled about the cooler weather as we were. She did get a kick out of meeting our grandkids and they even taught her how to play some video games. She lost 2 and won one. Not bad for her first time. The grandkids got a big kick out of meeting Liz in person.

I want to thank you for taking the time to read our blog. Let's not forget to pray for all those effected by all the hurricanes.


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