
Showing posts from February, 2018

Enjoying a Meal after Graduation

The Mayans enjoyed eating together.  In fact, nearly all the churches have a kitchen nearby where food is prepared and served.  Recently we visited the village of Trio and one of the elder church members commented that they appreciated that we would take time and eat with them. Chicken, rice, rice and coleslaw is often the meal of choice.

Graduating Class

Recently we had eight people receive their diplomas from the Bible School.  There were ten who graduated and eight were able to attend the ceremony. The students completed the required two year study program and all worked very diligently.  As we started classes for 2018, we have 70 new students attending.  Most all of the classes are now extension classes throughout the southern and central districts of Belize. It is a very busy time for us in Belize.

Video Clip inside a Mayan Home

I was able to get a short video clip inside the Mayan home that we were invited to have lunch with.  As I was attempted to go into the other side of the house the image got too dark, but it gives you a glimpse into their home.  A sewing machine, hammock tied onto the rafters and cooking inside the home.

Have Lunch with Us

After the service and baptism, we were invited to share a meal with some of the people from the church.  Typically, it consists of a bowl of chicken broth, greens and a piece of chicken.  In the middle of the table is a bowl of freshly baked tortillas.  In the large yellow container was coffee which you dished up with a bowl and poured it into a cup.  The people love for us to eat with them.

Down at the River

After the installation service of the new pastor in Santa Cruz, a young lady was baptized in the river just a short way behind the church.  It is always an exciting time ‘down at the river’.

New Pastor in Santa Cruz

Sunday, February 11, 2018 there was a new pastor installed at the church in the village of Santa Cruz.    In the photo is Missionary Dwayne Abernathy and his wife, Linda about to enter the church.  Also pictured is the nearby outhouse with the big STAR on it.  At least the door shuts.

Come Along for a Ride

We were traveling along the main road in the southwest part of Belize.  This road will take you to the Guatemalan border.  We were attending a pastor installation service in the village of Santa Cruz, which we have in another posting.  One of the villages we pass thru is San Antonio.  I have a short video clip from inside the missionary truck we use of the road we travel.  Come along for a ride......

Murphy’s Law

I do not really believe in “Murphy’s Law”, but if I did, I should have never said. “Things are slowing down a bit.” Lol. My husband and I just returned from a Ministers Conference called, “Because of the Times,” in Louisiana and it was so amazing! There were 3,500 in attendance. If you would like to hear some of the preaching and or worship during those services, go to “POA, BOTT, 2018. We are in need of people to assist us in God’s work here in Belize. I had been praying about this before we attended BOTT (Because of the Times), and of course the Lord answered that prayer. To my amazement, God brought 5 people right to the chair I was sitting in that He has been speaking to about becoming involved with the work in Belize. We have never meet these people before. Except for God, what are the chances that out of 3,500 people we would connect with those 5 people? The work here in Belize is exploding! When we arrived there were 39 established UPCI churches and one Bible school in the ...