I do not really believe in “Murphy’s Law”, but if I did, I should have never said. “Things are slowing down a bit.” Lol. My husband and I just returned from a Ministers Conference called, “Because of the Times,” in Louisiana and it was so amazing! There were 3,500 in attendance. If you would like to hear some of the preaching and or worship during those services, go to “POA, BOTT, 2018. We are in need of people to assist us in God’s work here in Belize. I had been praying about this before we attended BOTT (Because of the Times), and of course the Lord answered that prayer. To my amazement, God brought 5 people right to the chair I was sitting in that He has been speaking to about becoming involved with the work in Belize. We have never meet these people before. Except for God, what are the chances that out of 3,500 people we would connect with those 5 people? The work here in Belize is exploding! When we arrived there were 39 established UPCI churches and one Bible school in the ...