
Showing posts from March, 2018

The Impact Junkies

There was a group from the states here that call themselves, “the Impact Junkies.” They go all over the world to do whatever is needed to improve the lives of God’s people. They came to Belize and built these chicken coups for 4 of our villages. One of the men brought his 14 year old son to help with this project. You know that young mans’ life will never be the same after this trip. Our hat is off to you dad.

Pigs, pigs and more pigs.

These next pictures needs no explanation. Many people in the villages raise pigs 🐷 . And yet another tasty barbecue soon to be served up.

Global Village Hotel

The hotel you see here is where we stayed the first night we arrived in Belize. It’s very close to the airport and we have stayed there many times since. It is owned by a very nice Taiwanese family. The rooms are very minimal, but they are clean and they serve a scrambled egg, toast and coffee breakfast all for $55 US dollars.

Belize City Service

This next set of pictures were taken in a church service in Belize City. This is a Spanish speaking church. You can see Missionary Dwayne Abernathy preaching with the help of an interpreter. I love these pictures of  a little girl and a grandmother responding to the presence of God they felt in this service.

New Class for Kids

Below you will see a new children’s class started in Mango Creek by Carolyn. There are about 18 children that attend. It’s a challenge to teach this class, because while Carolyn is teaching 18 kids at the back of the church, Craig is teaching a pastors training session in the front of the church. The church is about 30 x 60 ft. The pastor and his family live right next to the church. This is a picture of their outdoor cooking area. The large black tank is their water storage tank. During the  rainy season they have lots of free water. During the dry season, they may have to purchase water to fill it.

General Assembly Meeting

Once every year the ministers in Belize, the missionaries and the Regional Director meet for their General Assembly.   The Assembly was hosted by the  church in the village of Mango Creek. Rev. David Swartz, the regional director for all of Central America and the Caribbean, and his wife were in attendance at this meeting. It was a privilege to meet and spend time with these great people.  The host church provided a meal for everyone. 

Raising a ‘Gibnut’

While we were in line to get our lunch between services, we saw this Gibnut in a cage. The Belizians love the meat of this animal. This one was destined to provide them with a tasty barbecue someday. I have not personally tired it, (to my knowledge) but I would, given the chance. The Gibnut is a very sought after animal to raise and eat.  We were told it is very expensive to purchase Gibnut meat in Belize.

Our one year anniversary

It’s hard to believe this week marks our one year anniversary in Belize. Like everything else in life, it’s had its good times and bad times. I would say leaving my grandchildren was the most difficult emotional adjustment to make. I still miss them everyday. My sons are very good about keeping us all connected via FaceTime, which helps tremendously! What they are not good about is reading this blog. Lol. Since we have moved to Belize, we have lived in 3 different homes. The first one was the sweet little 300 sq ft cabana that sits on the missionaries property. Our next move was to the “tree house” in Maya Beach. That was only available for 8 mnts. We currently live in an Amish built wood home. This home has 500 sq ft. You can see the inside of it in the pictures below. Our landlord recently but up this nice new, lockable, gate for us. The pictures below are of the tourist village of Placencia. It’s about a 20 minute drive from our current home.  Here you see the “bo...